Kontak Kami di Gameela

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A group of young children in a classroom setting, wearing matching plaid uniforms with turquoise collars. The room has an orange-colored wall and windows with blinds. The children appear to be posing casually, displaying expressions ranging from serious to curious.
A group of young children in a classroom setting, wearing matching plaid uniforms with turquoise collars. The room has an orange-colored wall and windows with blinds. The children appear to be posing casually, displaying expressions ranging from serious to curious.

Lokasi Kami

Kunjungi Taman Penitipan Anak Islami kami yang berbasis rumah, inklusif, dan berwawasan lingkungan di lingkungan yang nyaman dan aman.


Jl. Pendidikan No. 10


Senin - Jumat

Gameela memberikan pengalaman pendidikan yang menyenangkan dan Islami untuk anak-anak. Sangat direkomendasikan!

Ibu Siti

Three children are sitting on a wooden bench. Two of them are wearing black headscarves, and brightly colored clothing, while the boy is holding a small kitten. The background shows a green painted wall and posters on the windows.
Three children are sitting on a wooden bench. Two of them are wearing black headscarves, and brightly colored clothing, while the boy is holding a small kitten. The background shows a green painted wall and posters on the windows.
A group of children are gathered in a room, sitting on mats with meals in front of them. One child in the foreground appears to be looking directly at the camera, while the others are engaged in their own activities or conversations. The room has an open ceiling and wall, allowing light to come through.
A group of children are gathered in a room, sitting on mats with meals in front of them. One child in the foreground appears to be looking directly at the camera, while the others are engaged in their own activities or conversations. The room has an open ceiling and wall, allowing light to come through.
